












根据34 CFR 668.14 (b) (29) (2), 一个机构必须, 应申请人的要求, 讨论联邦的可用性, 状态, 以及机构财政援助.   Staff members in New River Community College’s Office of Financial Aid are happy to discuss with students and prospective students, 还有他们的父母, 他们可以获得的经济援助选择.  Students and parents may qualify for loans or other assistance under Title IV of the Higher Education Act programs.  The terms and conditions of Title IV HEA program loans may be more favorable than the provisions of private educational loans.

2008年高等教育机会法案(Pub. L. (HEOA)在TILA中增加了第128(e)(3)条,要求私人教育贷款机构在为就读于高等教育机构的学生完成私人教育贷款之前, the private education lender must obtain the completed and 标志ed Self-Certification Form from the applicant.  联邦储备委员会的最终条例于8月14日公布, 2009年在12 CFR 226中纳入了这一新要求.48(e).   Many lenders of private loans will provide the Self-Certification Form to the student borrower.  如果情况并非如此,请与我们联系. The form is also available here in pdf format: Private Education Loan Self-Certification in PDF Format:  http://ifap.ed.gov/dpcletters/attachments/GEN1001A-AppSelfCert.pdf

Sec要求的资料. 《十大网赌排行榜》第128(e)条(15 U . 16).S.C. 1638(e))



-任何申请私人教育贷款, or a solicitation for a private education loan without requiring an application, 民办教育贷款人应当向借款人披露, 清楚地,明显地-
(A)  the potential range of rates of interest applicable to the private education loan;
(B)  whether the rate of interest applicable to the private education loan is fixed or variable;
(三)利率调整的限制, 无论是频率还是数量, 或者缺乏, 如果适用;
(D)共同借款人的要求, including any changes in the applicable interest rates without a co-borrower;
(E)潜在的财务费用, 滞纳金, 处罚, 调整本金, 拖欠的:基于借款人的违约或逾期付款的;
(K)  an example of the total cost of the private education loan over the life of the loan–
(i)  which shall be calculated using the principal amount and the maximum rate of interest actually offered by the private educational lender; and
(ii)不计利息资本化计算, if an option exists for postponing interest payments; the private educational lender may provide) following the date on which the application for the private education loan is approved and the borrower receives the disclosure documents required under this subsection for the loan; and
(M)借款人有资格通过《十大网赌软件推荐》(20 U.S.C. 1070等.)代替或补充来自非联邦来源的贷款;
(N)根据1965年《十大网赌软件推荐》(20 U . 19)第4章的规定,通过该计划提供的联邦学生经济援助的利率.S.C. 1070等.);
(ii)  except for changes based on adjustments to the index used for a loan, the rates and terms of the loan may not be changed by the private educational lender during the period described in clause (i);
(P),, 在完成私人教育贷款之前, the borrower must obtain from the relevant institution of higher education the form required under paragraph (3), 和完整的, 标志, 并将此表格交回私立教育贷款人;
(Q)消费者可以从其高等教育机构获得有关联邦学生经济援助的额外信息, or at the website of the Department of Education; and
(R)委员会规定的其他资料, 由规则, 必要时 or appropriate for consumers to make informed borrowing decisions.


–Contemporaneously with the approval of a private education loan application, 在贷款交易完成之前, 民办教育贷款人应当向借款人披露, 清楚地,明显地-
(A)  the applicable rate of interest in effect on the date of approval;
(B)  whether the rate of interest applicable to the private educational loan is fixed or variable;
(三)利率调整的限制, 无论是频率还是数量, 或者缺乏, 如果适用;
(E)适用的财务费用, 滞纳金, 处罚, 调整本金, 基于借款人违约或逾期付款, including limitations on the discharge of a private education loan in bankruptcy;
(八)估计的还款总额, 以批准之日的有效利率和私人教育贷款机构提供的适用于借款人的最高利率计算, 在这种最高比率可以确定的范围内, 如果不是, 其合理估计;
(i)借款人有权在30个日历日(或更长时间)内的任何时间接受贷款条款并完成交易 the private educational lender may provide) following the date on which the application for the private education loan is approved and the borrower received the disclosure documents required under this subsection for the loan; and
(ii)  except for changes based on adjustments to the index used for a loan, the rates and terms of the loan may not be changed by the private educational lender during the period described in clause (i);
(i)  may qualify for Federal financial assistance through a program under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070等.), in lieu of, or in addition to, a loan from a non-Federal source; and
(N)根据1965年《十大网赌软件推荐》(20 U . 19)第4章的规定,通过该计划提供的联邦财政援助的利率.S.C. 1070等.);
(O)每月最高供款额, calculated using the maximum rate of interest actually offered by the private educational lender and applicable to the borrower, 在这种最高比率可以确定的范围内, 如果不是, 其合理估计; and
(P)委员会规定的其他资料, 由规则, 必要时 or appropriate for consumers to make informed borrowing decisions.


(a)总的来说. -在私人教育贷款人完成对就读高等教育机构的学生的私人教育贷款之前, 贷款人应从申请人处获得私立教育贷款表格,该表格由教育部长根据1965年《十大网赌软件推荐》第155条制定, 申请人签名, 以书面或电子形式.
(b)解释规则. 本款的任何其他条款不得解释为要求私人教育贷款人履行本款项下的任何额外义务, 除收集(A)分段规定的表格外.


——同时完成一项私人教育贷款, a private educational lender shall make to the borrower each of the disclosures described in–
(A)第(2)款(A)项(调整, 必要时, 为成交当日的有效利率, (根据贷款使用的指标);
(B)  subparagraphs (B) through (K) and (M) through (P) of paragraph (2); and


(a)模型形式. –Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this subsection, 董事会须, 基于消费者测试, 并与教育部长协商, 开发和发布可能使用的模型表单, 由私人教育贷款机构决定, 提供本款所要求的披露.
(B)格式. -根据本款制定的示范表格应-
(iii)  enable borrowers easily to identify material terms of the loan and to compare such terms among private education loans; and
(c)安全港. -任何私人教育贷款人选择提供根据本款制定的、准确反映其做法的模型表格,应被视为符合本款规定的披露要求.


(a)总的来说. ——关于私人教育贷款, 借款人应有权接受贷款条款,并在私人教育贷款申请获得批准及借款人收到本款所要求的贷款披露文件之日起30个日历日(或私人教育贷款人可能提供的更长时间)内的任何时间完成交易, and the rates and terms of the loan may not be changed by the private educational lender during that period.
(b)禁止变更. -根据贷款指标调整而发生的变化除外, the rates and terms of the loan may not be changed by the private educational lender prior to the earlier of–
(i)  the date of acceptance of the terms of the loan and consummation of the transaction by the borrower, as described in subparagraph (A); or


——关于私人教育贷款, 借款人可以取消贷款, 不处罚借款人, at any time within 3 business days of the date on which the loan is consummated, and the private educational lender shall disclose such right to the borrower in accordance with paragraph (4).




-根据本款发布规章, 董事会应防止, 尽可能地, duplicative disclosure requirements for private educational lenders that are otherwise required to make disclosures under this title, 除非在任何情况下,本款的披露要求与本编任何其他条款的披露要求不同或冲突, 本款的规定须具管制性.


-就本款而言, 术语“涵盖的教育机构”, “私立教育贷款机构”, 及“私人教育贷款”释义与第140条相同.


–Each private educational lender that has a preferred lender arrangement with a covered educational institution shall annually, 由董事会决定的日期, 在与教育部长协商后, 向该受保教育机构提供委员会决定在根据第(5)段制定的范本表格中,就贷款人计划向在该受保教育机构就读的学生提供的各类私立教育贷款,所包括的资料, 或者是这些学生的家庭, for the next award year (as that term is defined in section 481 of the Higher Education Act of 1965).

[编至15 U.S.C. 1638]

[资料来源:1968年5月29日法案第一编第128节(Pub . 1). L. No. 90--321; 82 Stat. 155), 7月1日生效, 1969, 经3月31日法案第六编第614条修正, 1980(酒吧. L. No. 96--221; 94 Stat. 178--180), 10月1日生效, 1982; section 2105 of title II of the Act of September 30, 1996(酒吧. L. No. 104--208; 110 Stat. 3009--402), 9月30日生效, 1996; section 1302(b)(1) of title XIII of the Act of April 20, 2005(酒吧. L. No. 109--8; 119 Stat. 209), effective April 20, 2005; section 2502(a) of title V of the Act of July 30, 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110--289; 122 Stat. 2855), effective July 30, 2008; section 1021(a) of title X of the Act of August 14, 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110—315,122 Stat. 3483), effective August 14, 2008; section 130(a)(2) of title I of the Act of October 3, 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110--343; 122 Stat. 3797), 2008年10月3日生效]

This College promotes and maintains educational opportunities without regard to race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 残疾, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 种族, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 分娩或相关的医疗状况,包括哺乳, 年龄(除非年龄是一项真正的职业资格), 资深地位, 或者其他非优点因素.

The following person has been de标志ated to handle inquiries regarding the college’s 该校非歧视政策: Dr. 马克C. Rowh, Vice President for Workforce Development and External Relations and Equal Opportunity Officer, 爱德华兹大厦217号, 540-674-3600, ext. 4241. 关于第九条(性骚扰)的调查, 性侵犯/家庭暴力/约会暴力, 和跟踪) 可以寄往 Dr. 黛博拉·肯尼迪洛克厅268号,学生服务主任,电话:540-674-3690. 或第九条副协调员; Mr. 约翰玩滚球的人残疾服务中心的学术顾问, 115 Christiansburg站点,540-674-3600,分机. 4418. 有关《十大网赌排行榜》和第504条的查询可直接发送至 Ms. 露西Howlett,残疾服务中心协调员,咨询中心, 275鲁克大厅,V/TTY 540-674-3619.






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